Immerse issue #2: On trends in transmedia
Each issue we’ll serve up resources that add dimension to the topic addressed in the feature story. Got other recommendations? Let us know in the comments.
By Jessica Clark

Our feature writers have thought long and hard about ways to define and make transmedia projects. Bone up with A Creator’s Guide to Transmedia Storytelling by Andrea Phillips, plus Henry Jenkins’ now-classic Convergence Culture, and his latest, By Any Media Necessary: The New Youth Activism.
Not deep enough yet? Well then ponder the future of humanity with Immerse respondent Caitlin Burns’ Pax Solaria.
Yep, sometimes it’s fun to mix the digital and the physical in unexpected ways. But sometimes it’s downright eerie. See how Eugenia Kudya built a bot of her closest friend after he died.
Too real? Cleanse your palate with this AI version of Joey from Friends.

Speaking of eerie, many on observing the election noted that it felt like an episode of Black Mirror, complete with the New York Times’ crazymaking real-time election forecast. Are you a fan of Black Mirror? Well then you’ll love this. Hate it? Perhaps here’s why.
In summary, the future seems pretty scary. Maybe we should focus on the past?

To understand VR today, look to the 19th Century, and learn about the medium’s long, weird history. Or just see how silly previous generations of VR headsets looked. Giddyup!
Immerse is an initiative of Tribeca Film Institute, MIT Open DocLab and The Fledgling Fund. Learn more about our vision for the project here.