Sometimes it’s hard to distill the torrents of information that pour over you at conferences,
which is
why I record the panels and talks I attend into live-scribed doodles. All of the quotes
below are drawn
and transcribed directly in the respective sessions, spanning conferences from 2018 to
2015. You can
follow my latest sketches on Instagram
i-Docs Festival, Bristol, March 2018
Sinclair’s information bomb keynote covering the latest wave of innovation in
storytelling made by a
diverse, heterogeneous group of creators who are challenging the endemic problem
of diversity in
techLiz Miller
discussing digital participatory platforms through her recent project, The
ShorelineSarah Jones,
Paolo Favero, and Eva Theunissen discuss experiential, exploratory approaches to
Plenary Session unpacking the feedback from the jam-packed three day
McNicholas from Marshmallow Laser Fest on the studio’s latest project, A
Colossal Wave, and VR’s
identity crisisCarmen
Aguilar y Wedge from Hyphen Labs Discussing neuro-speculative Afro-feminism and
issues of
accessibility in immersive storytellingKarim Ben
Khalifa on his cutting-edge room-scale VR project, The Enemy
MIT’s Virtually There Conference, May 2016
panel featuring Jessica Brillhart and Felix Lajeunesse on finding the embryonic
exploratory and
experiential language of VR. Click
here for the original
Instagram post.Nonny de la
Peña from Emblematic Media predicting the future of VR journalismDr. Janet
Murray, author of Hamlet on the Holodeck, describes VR’s growing pains
Future Reality, November 2015
Steven Feiner
on how AR has
(& hasn’t) changed over the last 30 yrsGraphics
pioneer Ken Perlin
making the case for a new form of interactive, real-time 3D language
StoryNext Conference, October 2015
VR content and
production advice
from Disney, Gannett, HuffPoRYOT, and the Wall Street JournalPredictions on
VR’s future from
the hardware producers Nokia, AMD, Visisonics, and 3ality Technica
Immerse is an initiative of the MIT Open DocLab and The Fledgling Fund.
Learn more about our
vision for the project here.