Field Notes: So You Want to Be a Futurist?
Immerse Reports from the Future Today Summit

Futurist Amy Webb is on a mission: to give away her trade secrets.
At the Future Today Summit in December 2016, Webb partnered with WNYC to present speakers, hands-on VR demos, and even robot-designed chocolates, all in the name of better revealing how current trends are shaping future realities.
Fake news, AI comedians and a journalism bot workshop all made the scene. Plus, attendees received a free copy of Webb’s new book, The Signals Are Talking: Why Today’s Fringe is Tomorrow’s Mainstream. “In this useful guide,” explains Kirkus Review, “Webb provides a logical way to sift through today’s onslaught of events and information to spot coming changes in your corner of the world.” As if that weren’t enough, Webb’s Future Today Institute just released its 2017 Tech Trends Annual Report.
See highlights from the summit in this Storify:
Future Today Summit: Highlights (with images, tweets) · beyondbroadcast editor Jessica Clark dropped by this event to see how emerging tech trends might change the way we report…
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