Our new Q&A series about the intersection of game-engines, LED walls, real-time motion-capture, VFX and animation with documentary and non-fiction storytelling. It is co-produced with the Co-Creation Studio.
How can we understand documentary techniques and ethics with new paradigms of virtual immediacy, abstraction or reenactment? What are the systems that enable and encourage such paradigms? And what other questions should we be asking about the blurring of virtual and physical space? Follow along as interviewer Srushti Kamat uncovers this landscape.
Virtual Production Bulletin: An Interview with Todd Bryant, NYU and Rashin Fahandej, Emerson… What we can learn from the engineers and artists of Todd Bryant (NYU)’s multi-disciplinary Virtual Production Studio
Virtual Production Bulletin: The LED Screen and Iterative Futures An interview with Philip Galler, Co-CEO of Lux Machina
Virtual Production Bulletin: 3D Models and Fictionalized Reenactments An interview with documentarian Deniz Tortum
Virtual Production Bulletin: Reality TV and Gamification How far can we push the boundaries of reality TV with virtual production?

Banner photo: Marc Tarlock
For more news, discourse, and resources on immersive and emerging forms of nonfiction media, sign up for our monthly newsletter.
Immerse is an initiative of the MIT Open DocLab and Dot Connector Studio, and receives funding from Just Films | Ford Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts. The Gotham Film & Media Institute is our fiscal sponsor. Learn more here. We are committed to exploring and showcasing emerging nonfiction projects that push the boundaries of media and tackle issues of social justice — and rely on friends like you to sustain ourselves and grow. Join us by making a gift today.